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Conference Programme

DAY 1 (30th September)


Welcome and Introduction


9-9.15 am: Beatriz Marín-Aguilera (University of Cambridge), conference organiser



Session 1. Embodied Frontiers: The In-betweenness of Border-Crossing (9am-12.30pm)


Chair: Theresa A. Singleton (Syracuse University, US)


9.15-10.00: Keynote – Theresa A. Singleton (Syracuse University, US): “In-betweenness” in the Archaeology of the African Diaspora


10.00-10.30: Magdalena Naum & Laura Bjørnevad-Ahlqvist (Aarhus Universitet, Denmark): Settler Colonialism, Boundary Work and Intimacy: The Case of Thomas Petersen and the St. Croix Chippewa Indians


10.30-10.45: Coffee break


10.45-11.15: Alfredo González-Ruibal (INCIPIT, Spanish National Research Council): The Archaeology of Border-Crossing in the Horn of Africa: From the Middle Ages to the Present


11.15-11.45: Beatriz Marín-Aguilera (University of Cambridge, UK): Mapping In-betweenness and Frontier Regimes in Colonial Chile


11.45-12.30: Discussion



Session 2. Materialising Frontiers: The Material Culture of Imperialism (1.30pm-5.00pm)


Chair: Lúcio Menezes Ferreira (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil)


13.30-14.15: Keynote – Lúcio Menezes Ferreira (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil): Archaeology Also Dances: African Diaspora and Spiritual Practices at the Beef Jerky Plantations in Pelotas, Southern Brazil


14.15-14.45: María Cruz Berrocal (Universität Konstanz, Germany/Universidad de Cantabria, Spain): Taiwanese Frontiers


14.45-15.00: Coffee break


15.00-15.30: Reinhard Bernbeck (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany): German Jihad, Archaeology, and the Neo-Colonial ‘Exhibitionary Complex’


15.30-16.00: Liz Stewart (National Museums Liverpool, UK): Colonial Constructs: Exploring the Built Environment of Liverpool Waterfront


16.00-17.00: Discussion 



DAY 2 (1st October) - LAST-MINUTE CHANGES (!)


Session 3. Internal Frontiers: Expanding States & Internal Colonialism (9am-12.30pm)


Chair: Audrey Horning (Queen's University Belfast, UK)


9.00-9.45: Keynote – John N. Miksic (National University of Singapore, Singapore): Money Isn’t Everything: Chinese Coins and China’s Overseas Relations in Southeast Asia, 1300-1700


9.45-10.15: Alfredo González-Ruibal (INCIPIT, Spanish National Research Council): The Archaeology of Border-Crossing in the Horn of Africa: From the Middle Ages to the Present


10.15-10.45: Fahri Dikkaya (TED Üniversitesi, Turkey): Internal Frontiers of the Ottoman Empire: Territorial Control and Material Culture in the Ottoman Levant


10.45-11.00: Coffee break


11.00-11.30: Audrey Horning (Queen's University Belfast, UK): Fears, Frontiers, Third Spaces: Rethinking Violence and Colonial Encounters in the Early British Atlantic


11.30-12.30: Discussion



Session 4.  Decolonising Frontiers: Heritage and the Legacies of Colonialism (1.30pm-5.00pm)


Chair: Dacia Viejo-Rose (University of Cambridge)


13.30-14.00: Sandra Montón Subías (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain): Decolonizing Magellan: Anniversaries, Quincentennials, and the Politics of Historical Memory in Guam and Spain


14.00-14.30: Benjamina Efua Dadzie (Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge-UK; European Society of Black & Allied Archaeologists): Narrating Missionary Collections: The Egba-Yoruba Mission of Henry Townsend and its Material Culture, 1840-1880


14.30-14.45: Coffee break


14.45-15.30: Keynote – Juana Paillalef C. (Museo Mapuche de Cañete, Ruka kimvn taiñ volil-Juan Cayupi Huechicura, Chile): Dusting Off the Colonial Imaginary in Ruka Kimvn Taiñ Volil-Juan Cayupi Huechicura (Mapuche Museum of Cañete)


15.30-16.00: Danika Parikh (University of Cambridge, UK; European Society of Black & Allied Archaeologists)Living Objects and Unruly Bodies: Remaking the Museum as a Space


16.00-17.00: Discussion


Please note that all timings are UK time (UCT+1)

© 2020 by Beatriz Marín-Aguilera

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